WWR Media Justice

Several moving stories were told by the panel that just came up. Starting with the “No justice No peace” chants at the start you could tell this was gonna be a serious section. The best story, to me, was the girl from Mexico City that as an activist in Mexico would be tortured but never stopped and nowadays as an activist in the U.S. gets rewarded with great project jobs, awards, and praise.  The next girl also has a very good story, and she can sing very well. She said “If you walk the talk, dream big, and inspire yourself…..” She can look up to you, which is dope because individuality is everything whether it be life in general, music, or a movement, without leaders and individuals with unique ideas nothing gets done progressively.

WWR Media Justice

The opening performance was extremely attention grabbing. We weren’t able to take videos or pictures because it was a traditional song from her family however her voice was powerful and made the whole room echo so I won’t ever forget it. Following the performance the WWR panel went upstage and gave us some information about WWR, and what each of them are mostly involved in. The most interesting thing was the tie they made between two totally different sounds, Punk and HipHop, both of which are displays of struggle, injustice, or expressions of emotion. Next came percussion by “Fernando” I believe, which is a live band who plays a traditional “Jam Session” type performance. So many different instruments and loud bangs at once it’s pretty interesting. Kind of reminds me of improvised Jazz without the Jazz. Pretty engaging and fun to watch!